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Vehicle Lighting


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LED Lighting -

Many newer vehicles are coming with LED accent lighting inside and outside of the vehicle nowadays. It's easy to add as an upgrade to any vehicle and LED lighting packages start at very reasonable prices. Enhance vehicle styling as well as adding safety with additional lighting. Customers often add LED lighting to brighten up the foot wells of their vehicles and to cargo areas. In addition to these common areas, Custom Radio also offers LED exterior accent lighting similar to the newer Audi and Mercedes vehicles. These are all options that you can explore for your car. See our photo gallery for examples of recent LED installations.

HID Lighting -

Not only do HID lights improve vision down the road which is a big safety concern, they also add to vehicle styling. No longer are HID lights exclusive to high-end auto manufacturers, many domestic brands are embracing HID lights. The only drawback is that HID lights are often part of a factory package that ends up costing far more than having a HID kit installed after purchase of a vehicle. Custom Radio offers HID headlight installations (including parts and labor) starting at 199.99+TX. See our photo gallery for examples of recent HID installations.


2004 Mustang 2004 Mustang 2004 Mustang 2004 Mustang

Nathan M - Owner of this 2004 Mustang says...
Wow, what a great job you guys did! Very impressed. Took it to a show tonight and many were stunned at the sharp look you gave my 2004 Ford Mustang. Once again thanks Custom Radio for always doing a smash-up job!  

Ghost Shadow Lighting-

Ghost Shadow Lighting is a luxurious and unique customization to your vehicle. Imagine the head turning looks when you open the door and they see the emblem of your vehicle cleanly projected via high resolution LED on the ground. We offer a wide variety of logos to chose from to fit everyone's lifestyles. Custom Radio offers Ghost Shadow Lighting installations (including parts and labor) starting at $99.99+Tx.

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